India Point BBQ & Blues Festival

There are no upcoming dates for this event.

We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.


201 India Street, Providence, Rhode Island, 02903, United States


The City of Providence recently changed India St to Portugal Parkway, so depending on what maps you’re using and how quickly they’ve updated, it’s either 201 India St Providence, RI or 201 Portugal Parkway Providence, RI. Regardless of the address, it’s at India Point Park in the Fox Point neighborhood in Providence.



    • Kids under 12 are free. Over 12 are the same price as adults. 13 year olds are grown up and know everything! So we treat them as adults.

  1. I purchased a ticket for two for a gift, through group on and when I went to print the ticket it said that I REDEEMED IT!! There was no way to print the voucher. Could some Please contact me to let me know what I should do to get the ticket or a refund.

  2. What is the promo code to register for Saturfday June 22 2019

    • There is not a promo code. Advanced ticket sales are cheaper ($10 vs $15)

  3. Will advance ticket sales still be available next Thursday? I’d like to be able to get a slightly more accurate weather forecast before I commit to non-refundable tickets.

    • Advanced ticket sales are scheduled to end on Wednesday night at 11:59pm

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